2023 Exhibitors

Join us as we serve Canadians by hosting our conference for women on November 16-18, 2023. The conference will equip and encourage attendees to encounter God in the Book of Exodus. As exhibitors, we want to invite you to invest in this ministry opportunity. We also want to ensure that you your ministry or organization receives a fair return on your investment.

To that end, we will limit the number of our exhibitor tables. We will also provide giveaways to attendees who can enter to win the giveaway only by visiting each exhibitor. On top of this, you will be in a central area next to the bookstore. By these means, you will be able to engage with a number of women from across Canada and invite them to partner with your ministry.

Key information


Please apply by October 27, 2023. Payment must be paid by November 3, 2023. After this date, no refunds will be available. Each application requires approval before acceptance as an exhibitor. You may be contacted directly regarding your application.

Exhibitors must accord with TGCC’s foundation documents and not be in any essential conflict with them. The foundation documents can be found at http://ca.thegospelcoalition.org/foundation-documents/.

Please click here to fill out the Google Form application. Upon filling it out, TGC Canada will contact you to confirm your registration and provide the payment link.