The Word across Canada (July 19, 2018)

Every week we want to bring to your attention expository, Gospel-centred sermons from pastors across Canada. We hope that you become familiar with some of the faithful ministers of the word in our nation. We also hope that you will be edified on your daily commute or whenever you listen to these messages. We lastly hope that you learn about the churches where these pastors minister, so that you can easily find Gospel-centered, expository churches in your region.

Jeff Eastwood on 2 Samuel 6 (Charlottetown)

As believers in Jesus Christ, we delight to worship our good, gracious, loving, and thrice holy God. Perhaps because of the weight of this reality, combined always with our residual sinfulness, the corporate expression of our worship engenders many strong opinions and has even led to the coining of an unfortunate phrase- ‘Worship Wars’. Listen in as Pastor Jeff reminds us from 2 Samuel 6 of the dual truths of reverence and rejoicing we must hold in tension as we individually and collectively give glory and honour to God.

Watch or listen here.

Clint Humfrey on Philippians 3:12-16 (Calgary)

When there has been a spiritual renewal we are tempted to take it easy. Isn’t it the case in your life? In Philippians, Paul urged a mature church to keep pressing on. Don’t sit back. Don’t coast. Don’t drift. If Christ owns you, seize the prize and hold true.  It’s a message which our church needs to hear today: press on.

Here are the main sermon points from this sermon entitled “Press On”

  1. Press On—Christ Owns You (v.12)
  2. Press On—Seize the Prize (v.13-14)
  3. Press On—Hold the Truth (v.15-16)

Here is the sermon.

Rob Godard on “Lessons from Judges: The End Pt. 1” from Judges 17-18 (Surrey)

As we finish our study of the book of Judges, the people of God have now lost sight of who God is. Even as they claim to worship Him and want priests that are from the tribe of Levi, they have lost Him completely.

The demonic realm will attack our view of God, and seek to get us to love the world.  Judges serves as a warning to us, and as it ends, the alarm bells are ringing loudly. If you are religious, but your view of God is unbiblical, you are no longer worshiping God. In fact as we will see while the book of Judges closes, the people have become more like Sodom and Gomorrah than like Jesus.

May God use this book to cause us to long to live our lives to the praise of His glorious grace!

The entire series on the “Danger of Compromise” can be found here.

George Sinclair on Colossians 3:12-13 (Ottawa)

How can we forgive the inexcusable? How is that even wise? Does the Bible really teach us to forgive the inexcusable? Answering these questions helps us realize our confusion about forgiveness, and how often the Gospel is not real to our heart and our lives. Let’s look deeply at Colossians 3:12-13 together.

Here’s the link to George’s sermon.


*** Descriptions are provided by churches in which the sermons were preached.