
Into Theology 82: Persons in God (ST I.Q29)

In this episode, Ian Clary and Wyatt Graham discuss divine persons in Thomas Aquinas’s Summa. They talk through why Thomas thinks the word person eminently applies to God, and how it is fitting to use of God, even if the Bible does not use that term. Here is a link to the article I wrote on God’s processions, relations, and persons to clarify things from the last episode.

Into Theology 81: Relations in God (ST I.Q28)

In this episode, Wyatt and Ian stumble along trying to keep up with Thomas Aquinas as he explains how the Father, Son, and Spirit relate to one another while remaining the one God of Israel. The Bible tells us that the Father is the Father of the Son, and the Son of the Father. So they are distinct yet both remain the one God. How can we talk about this? Thomas summarizes the theological explanation of this reality through his discussion on relations in God. The key is that the word “generation” refers to the procession of the Son, while...

Into Theology 79: Divine Processions (ST I.Q27)

In this episode, Wyatt and Ian discuss divine processions, which refer to the how the Father, Son, and Spirit relate to one another. This section of the Summa Theologiae prepares us to talk about the “relations of origin” in God as well as the persons of God: Father, Son, and Spirit.

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