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The Bible warns about publishing a detailed forecast of your future activities:

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. (James 4:13–14 ESV)

Passages like that suggest that announcements like this should be very tentative indeed. Please consider everything that follows as falling under the category of “God willing”.

God willing and time, health, ministry and family permitting I will attempt to keep to the following publication schedule in 2018:

The Book Of Genesis (January 1st – February 17th)

I’m writing this announcement on April 6th so obviously this first bit is retrospective. While my intention (God willing!) is to eventually podcast on every chapter of the Bible over a roughly 10 year period (You fool! What is your life! You do not know what tomorrow will bring!) I have adopted the habit of releasing episodes according to their appearance in the 2 year version of the Robert Murray M’Cheyne (RMM) Bible Reading Plan.

To learn more about the RMM Plan see here.

To get a printable single page version of the 1 year plan see here.

The 2 year plan simply involves using the first 2 columns in year 1 (which for us is 2018) and the second 2 columns in year 2 (for our purposes 2019). In general I plan to release episodes in 2018 according to their appearance in the first 2 columns. In 2019 I will be releasing episodes as they appear in the second two columns. Eventually, GOD WILLING, should we make it through the entire Bible we would set up the website to coordinate with whatever Bible Plan an individual user prefers.

With all of that being said, it seemed to make a great deal of sense to begin 2018 with the Book of Genesis. We released podcasts on all 50 chapters of Genesis; 1 each day; between January 1st and February 17th – thanks be to God!

Find the first episode here.

The Gospel Of Mark (January 29th – February 13th)

This was originally released during our soft launch in July of 2017. We released it afresh in January/February of 2018 in order to help people truly launch into the RMM Plan. In general I will try and prioritize the months of January and February as those are the “drop out months” for many new Bible readers. We’ll do everything we[1] can to get you off to a great start.

Find the first episode here.

The Gospel Of John (March 11th – March 31st)

As you can see if you are looking at the single page version of the RMM Plan, the Gospel of John begins to appear on March 11th and runs all the way through to March 31st. By the grace of God we were able to release all 21 episodes on time each day over that time period.

Find the first episode here.

Introduction To The Psalms And Psalm 1 and 2 (April 1st)

There are 150 chapters in the Book of Psalms so my plan is to tackle it in 25 chapter chunks over the next 6 years (insert quote from James 4 here). I released an introduction to the Book as a whole on April 1st that also covered the first 2 Psalms, in large part because many scholars feel that the first two chapters are intended to function as introduction. I will then begin releasing new episodes on May 6th – God willing.

Find the introductory episode here.

Psalm 50 – 74 (May 6th – May 21st)

My intention is to release the first batch of 25 Psalms on May 6th 2018. I will work through to Psalm 74 on May 21st. Along the way I will also be recording several interviews on behalf of TGC Canada for a new podcast they are releasing called “Help Me Love The Psalms”. In that podcast I will interview TGC Canada Council Members, friends and speakers about the Psalms that they use most in their private devotions and corporate worship. I will post links to those interviews on the Into The Word Facebook page. You can find them directly by going to the TGC Canada website.

The Acts Of The Apostles (July 14th – August 10th)

I generally try and balance Old Testament and New Testament episodes and I also try and prioritize books of the Bible that I have studied and preached through before. It seems to make sense to start with books I know reasonably well. This inclines me to attempt a walk through the Acts of the Apostles. I’ve long been fascinated by this narrative and hope, by the grace of God to do it justice. I’m looking forward to a summer of reading in preparation for this release!

Paul’s First Letter To The Corinthians (August 27th – September 11th)

I’ve often found myself very thankful for the deep dysfunction of the Corinthian Christians. Had they been even halfway healthy and reasonable we would be much the poorer as modern day believers. Happily, in the Providence of God, their many confusions and conflicts provided occasion for the Apostle Paul to say many of the things we most need to hear today. I anticipate this series having broad application to the many challenges and concerns facing believers and churches in our day and age.

Paul’s Letter To The Ephesians (October 1st – October 6th)

I thought that Ephesians might serve as good preparation for an eventual series on Romans. Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones spent 8 years preaching through Ephesians so the thought of covering it in 6 days seems altogether ridiculous. Nevertheless, the format we have chosen is very different than the one taken by MLJ and the greater part of my work will be to commend the entirety of his work, and that of others, to you.

The Pastoral Letters (October 23rd – November 4th)

The letters known to us as 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus are often called collectively “The Pastoral Letters”. They are letters Paul wrote to younger men whom he had trained in pastoral ministry and they offer numerous insights into the nature and function of the church and the character of Christian ministry.

Peter’s First Epistle (November 24th – November 28th)

1 Peter has enjoyed something of a renaissance over the last several years. In part this has to do with the fact that the people Peter was writing to were among the very first Christians to experience formal persecution at the hands of the Romans. His counsel focuses generally on how to be faithful in an increasingly hostile world – a message of obvious relevance to Christians living in the contemporary West. As we grapple with our loss of privilege and adjust to the first headwinds of cultural hostility, this letter seems perfectly suited to our concerns today.

The Revelation Of John (December 10th – December 31st)

This was originally released during our soft launch in May/June of 2017. We will release it afresh in December of 2018.

Find the first episode here.

Conclusion And Summary:

If you are keeping score at home then you probably noticed that we are planning on releasing a grand total of 194 episodes in 2018; 156 of which will be brand new in 2018. My goal, God willing, is to release 150 new episodes a year. Given that there are 1,189 chapters in the Bible it will take a little less than 8 years to make it all the way through. Of course life will happen and interruptions will occur and things will go terribly wrong. That’s why I generally say that my hope/goal/ambition/intention GOD WILLING is to podcast through the entire Bible in 10 years.

And may God alone be glorified,


Pastor Paul Carter

April 6th, 2018

[1] Although it is bad form I will alternate between “I” and “we” throughout the article. I write and record all the podcasts (so “I” is generally appropriate) but there is a team of people on the editing and posting side (so “we” sometimes works a little better). I trust you to sort your way through it. 🙂
