
Baptized with Spirit and Fire: Jesus’ Burning Call

There are truths we believe we know—truths we’ve heard countless times, sung in our hymns, and recited in our confessions of faith. But sometimes, these familiar truths strike us with renewed force, like a sudden light piercing darkness, or like embers we thought dead suddenly flaring to life beneath the ashes. In Luke 3:15-17 and 21-22, we find John the Baptist speaking with characteristic boldness. His words aren’t meant to flatter or persuade; they announce and warn. He points to One “more powerful than I,” whose sandals he declares himself unworthy to untie. Then he proclaims something remarkable—something that shatters...

What Does Jude Mean by Contending for the Faith?

Most Christians know of Jude’s admonition to “contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3). And many have seen in Jude’s words a motivation or command to fight heresy to uphold the faith. It makes sense. Jude undoubtedly spends considerable time warning his audience against those who would pervert the grace of God in their sensuality (Jude 1:4, 5–19). But the question is whether or not Jude’s polemics represent what it means to contend for the faith or if Jude might have something else in mind. In my view, the structure of Jude’s letter and the meaning of his words lead to...

10 Chapters of Scripture a Day in 2025?

Several years ago, I began a search for a new Bible reading plan for the coming year. I had enjoyed reading through the Bible chronologically in a year, but I was ready for a challenge. The Professor Grant Horner Bible-Reading System seemed right up my alley. An Overview of the Plan Professor Horner’s System is simple. You read ten chapters a day from ten different books of the Bible, chosen by literary genre. On day one, you read Matthew 1, Genesis 1, Romans 1, 1 Thessalonians 1, Job 1, Psalms 1, Proverbs 1, Joshua 1, Isaiah 1, and Acts 1....

The Simple Depth of Christmas

One of my favourite Christmas carols is “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” I have always enjoyed it, but last year, something happened that strengthened its place in my heart. Last Christmas, my church put on a community Christmas dinner. As part of the program, of course, we sang some Christmas carols. As you would expect, it was a lovely time. We all sat around our tables after dinner, singing these familiar hymns about Jesus. As we sang, one of my daughters, who was just shy of three years old at the time, came and snuggled up on my lap. Having...

The Virgin Birth Crucifies Arguments for Abortion

A pro-choice organization called Catholics for Choice recently stated, “remember that Mary had a choice, and you should too.” The choice here refers to pregnancy, and the point is that Mary could have said no to the pregnancy. Mary’s choice, so they imply, means that we also have a choice when it comes to pregnancy because we can abort fetuses in the womb. I disagree. The dogma of the virgin birth denies the logic of abortion. It rejects the possibility of ending life in the womb because Christ became fully human when the Spirit overshadowed Mary from the moment of...

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