
Three Tests of Your Faith for Full Assurance

In his first epistle, the Apostle John provides believers three tests to confirm their spiritual standing. Following a church split (1 John 2:18–19), those who remained likely questioned who was truly right: the stayers or the leavers? John wrote 1 John partly to define the difference between those who abandoned the church to form a sectarian congregation and those who stayed behind. While offering multiple insights in this epistle, he demonstrates that the remaining congregation are true believers (as opposed to those who left) because they have passed three critical tests of faith. Importantly, John’s primary goal is not to...

Into Theology 83: Introducing The Consolation of Boethius

Ian is hiking in Peru to find the perfect coffee bean, and he should be there for one week until he goes on another wild adventure. In the meantime, I have asked Matthew Hoskin to be a special guest to introduce a new series on Boethius and his Consolations of Philosophy.  In this conversation, Drs. Wyatt Graham and Matthew Hoskin delve into Boethius’s ‘The Consolation of Philosophy,’ exploring its themes, historical context, and relevance today. They discuss the contrast between philosophy and poetry, the nature of happiness, and the role of Lady Philosophy in guiding Boethius through his despair. The...

The Power of Books That Point to Jesus

How many times did you hear the gospel before coming to know Christ? For me, it was countless. I grew up attending one evangelical church and then when my parents were divorced we attended a different evangelical church from another denomination and in a new city. I attended Christian schools from kindergarten to Grade 12, and it wasn’t until April of my last year that the power of the gospel was made personal in my life and the Spirit breathed life into my heart. At once, new desires took root, including the desire to read books that would help me...

Solving the Encampment Crisis

The sight is familiar to many urban Christians: someone approaches your car asking for spare change. Your response—whether nervousness, fear, anger, or compassion—reveals something about your heart. More importantly, it reveals an opportunity to reflect on how the gospel shapes our response to the growing crisis of homelessness in our cities. I’ve lived in downtown Hamilton for over 30 years. When I moved here, the North End of Hamilton was considered the third poorest community in the country. I had the privilege of pastoring a church in the core of the city for 28 years. I frequently walk past encampments;...

MAID Canada Or KILL Canada? The Power of Words in Our National Conversation

It is very common nowadays to hear it said that people no longer can think or even want to think. In my experience, people usually exempt themselves from this phenomenon, and are really saying, “Everyone except me and my friends have stopped thinking.” I am not writing to comment on the proportion of people who think, and whether that proportion is going up or down. For today, I want to remind you that people think with words. If you think with words, then using certain words will push you to certain “necessary” and “plausible” conclusions. Therefore, the words and the...

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