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Every October, believers across North America celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month, setting aside a moment to express gratitude for those who watch over our souls. The pastorate may have once been considered a noble profession. Today, however, these dear brothers often labour under difficult circumstances. They bear not only the burden of caring for their flocks but also the suspicion of a culture that considers their work strange at best and pointless at worst. What can we as disciples of Jesus do to encourage our pastors in a special way this month? I propose a few things.


1. Pray

If you aren’t doing so regularly, commit to praying for your spiritual overseers and their families. What’s more, ask them for specific ways in which you can lift them up before the Lord.


2. Give

If you have the means to do so, why not offer them a small token beyond your regular church giving? This could be as simple as a gift certificate to a nice restaurant, market, or bookstore they like. Or, if finances are tight, you could offer to babysit or perform another service for them and their family.


3. Advocate

Do you want to spread joy and gratitude? Consider getting other members of your church involved in showing appreciation for your pastors. Ask your kids to write them a card. Stand up for them if you hear others complaining or criticizing them. Beyond that, invite others to take part in a group gift or activity that would bless them and their household.


4. Remember their Family

Pastors’ wives and children often face harsh criticism for not meeting certain people’s standards. Moreover, some expect pastors’ wives to lead the choir, run the children’s ministry and the women’s ministry, and play the piano every Sunday! Bearing the pressure of such expectations can be overwhelming. Be the first to defend her and her children if you hear her being spoken against. And offer her your friendship and support, recognizing that she is a mere fellow disciple and not a full-time, unpaid staff member.


5. Serve

We all lead busy lives. Your pastors understand this. When you take time out of your week to teach Sunday school, welcome new visitors, hold babies in the nursery, or lead worship, you help lighten their load. And that’s not all: You also do so when you shine for Christ in your workplace and community. Because God has entrusted people to you that your pastor will never reach. You are Christ’s ambassador there (2 Cor. 5:20) just as much as they are in your local church. In carrying out that calling, you affirm the truth that we are all part of a royal priesthood (1 Pet. 2:9). In other words, we are all called to the ministry. Your pastors just happen to get paid for it.


6. Walk in Truth

In 3 John 4, the beloved disciple makes a remarkable statement:

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

These words are equally true for most pastors. Their satisfaction in ministry multiplies when they see you growing in love towards Christ and your neighbour.


7. Give Them Permission to Be Human

We often expect our pastors to be superhuman. We forget that, like us, they have feet of clay. Their sermons will not always be Instagrammable. Their home life will not always be marked by peace and harmony. The truth is that we all have tough days at work. But few of us face the scrutiny for how we carry out our jobs that they do for theirs. Let’s extend grace to them. Let’s not be surprised when they stumble. Instead, let’s offer them a hand to get back up and cheer them on our common race of faith.
