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What I’ve Learned about Reaching International Students

During my first year of university, I asked a friend why he didn’t drink or join us at parties. He explained that he believed in God. And as God led him through life, he didn’t feel the need to waste his time pursuing happiness in drugs and alcohol.

I thought he was crazy (and part of some weird cult) because for 19 years no one had told me that they thought God was real. After confronting my friend on his cultish ways, he responded “Christianity is better than a cult! Let me tell you why!” He led me to put my faith in Christ that very night, and now he’s one of my closest friends and brother in the faith.

After I came to faith, I went on a summer mission trip to Eastern Asia. It was then that I really came to grips with the tragedy and reality of gospel poverty in our world. The people that I met on that missions trip not only didn’t know Jesus, they also didn’t know of a place they could ask about Him. I ended that missions trip with the conviction that I would give my life to helping people hear the gospel who wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to.

I’ve been part of International student ministries since I returned from that missions trip, and I currently work with Power to Change – Students. Every day I’m able to reach people from countries where there is little to no opportunity to hear the gospel. My wife and have I have been reaching International students for over 5 years now and for those of you who are curious about International student ministries, here are a few things I’ve learned. I hope to encourage you in what God’s doing amongst International students.

Reaching International Students Is Strategic for Global Missions

If you live in Canada, reaching the International students on your university campus could be the most strategic thing you can do in global missions. By working with International students, Christians have the opportunity to evangelize people from some of the hardest to reach countries in the world.

Countries traditionally closed to Christian ministry are sending some of their best and brightest students to Canadian universities. These students have the opportunity to hear about Christ, attend a solid local church, and dig into the Bible in ways they could never back home. We have the opportunity to evangelize some of the worlds hardest to reach people groups, disciple them in the local church and send them home as indigenous missionaries ready to share the gospel. God is bringing more and more International students to Canada, and the opportunity for us to reach the world through International students is only going to grow.

International Students Are Open to Talk

International students are some of the most open people to the Christian faith that I’ve met at University. I remember meeting a student from the middle east who had a prominent position of education in his country. We brought him to our local church, and he was overwhelmed by the people’s love and care for him. He said, “this is God, God is a God of love.” He professed Christ before returning home, and I’m convinced it was God’s work through the loving relationships of Canadian families that drew Him to Jesus.

If we are Bible-believing, Spirit-filled Christians who want to be used by God to reach the unreached of the world, we should pray and seek out the opportunities to reach International Students who are hungry for relationships, love, and ultimately Christ.

International Student Ministry Is Not Easy

International student ministry is strategic and provides great opportunities for the Gospel, but it also comes with distinctive difficulties and challenges. Getting to know International students always happens in a context of cultural barriers. And though International Students are hungry to learn about Canadian culture, if we are to communicate the gospel effectively, we need to share it in a culturally relevant way. With international students, coming from less-known cultures, that can take work.

Support while reaching International Students is key. It can be difficult relating to International Students, but it is necessary if we want to engage them effectively. Having a network of believers to remind, encourage and pray for us has been life-saving, and it’s something I’d recommend every believer find if they want longevity in International student ministries.

International student ministries is a rewarding ministry that affects global mission in ways few other national ministries can. We’ve seen God send saved International Students who’ve returned home and have started movements of evangelism and discipleship on their university campuses. I would encourage every Canadian to not be passive in global missions and consider the opportunity God gives us to reach the world through International students. Let’s reach the nations while they are here and be faithful to opportunities to help fulfill the Great Commission.
