
10 Things You Should Know About Mahalia Jackson

Mahalia’s four grandparents were born slaves, and her parents were unmarried when she was born in 1911. Given that slaves had been denied the right to marry for generations, this was not at all uncommon in her time. A preacher’s daughter who grew up in a family deeply devoted to Christ and the gospel, she began singing in church at the age of 4. Her talents did not go unnoticed from then on. She had little opportunity to study. After losing her mother at age 16, she moved to Chicago, where she worked as a domestic helper. She joined the...

Phillis Wheatley: The Senegambian Slave-Turned-Poet

Phillis Wheatley was captured and shipped across the Middle Passage across the Atlantic Ocean at age 7. The Senegambian young girl was purchased at a Boston auction in 1761 by John Wheatley for his wife Susanna. Her birth name is unknown to us, as the little girl was given the name of the slave vessel that tore her away from everything she’d ever known. A Genius in Bondage Phillis soon demonstrated such a capacity for languages that she could read fluent English by age 9. What’s more, she read and translated Greek and Latin classics by age 10. As a...

Who is Irenaeus of Lyons?

In the 180s AD, Irenaeus of Lyons established himself as the greatest theologian since the time of the apostles when he wrote A Refutation and Subversion of What is Falsely Called Knowledge—more commonly known as Against Heresies [AH] (the shortened title given the work by the church historian Eusebius)—and Presentation of the Apostolic Preaching. These took strikingly different approaches: AH offered a painstaking analysis and criticism of various heretical perspectives, while Apostolic Preaching presented an extended summary of what Christians believe and teach. Both works presented the Christian faith winsomely, as the message proclaimed by Jesus Christ and his apostles...

How to talk with your Postmodern Friends About Christianity (And a Brief History of how we got here)

Imagine with me for a moment that you are at work in your break room—or wherever it is that you converse with your work colleagues—and the topic of conversation turns towards the controversial. You know that these workmates are not Christians and they begin to discuss the merits and demerits of MAID (medical assistance in dying). MAID has been in the news over the past few weeks as free democracies around the world lambast Canada’s disposal of those deemed societal drains. Now these work friends are going back and forth on the topic with a few zealously supporting the liberal...

Marxism’s Long Shadow

Although Karl Marx lived in the nineteenth century, it was not until the twentieth century that Marxism reached its full impact. This impact took two main forms. The first was the establishment of communist regimes in Russia, China, and other parts of the world. The second was the influence of Marxist ideas on Western intellectuals. Christians need to be familiar with both of these phenomena, so we’ll look at each in turn. Communist Regimes As noted in my previous article, a revolution in Russia in 1917 established the world’s first communist state—the Soviet Union—on the basis of Marx’s ideas. The...

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