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Every week we want to bring to your attention expository, Gospel-centred sermons from pastors across Canada. We hope that you become familiar with some of the faithful ministers of the word in our nation. We also hope that you will be edified on your daily commute or whenever you listen to these messages. We lastly hope that you learn about the churches where these pastors minister, so that you can easily find Gospel-centered, expository churches in your region.

Rob Godard on Judges 3:7–31: “The Danger of Compromise: Cry out to God” (Surrey)

Where do you go when you are in trouble?

What do you do when all of life seems to be falling apart?  Maybe it is your finances, maybe it is your job situation, maybe it is relationships, where do you go when you are in trouble?

Does that change when you maybe are even the cause of the trouble?  What if you made your own bed, and your bed is uncomfortable?  Where do you turn?

Your view of God will directly affect who you run to in the midst of trouble, whether that trouble be of your own making, or has nothing to do with you.  Judges gives us an incredible view of the grace of God in the midst of a people who repeatedly sin.

The audio and video for this message can be found here.

George Sinclair on John 10:1-21 (Ottawa)

Not many people in urban Canada own sheep. Even fewer have ever been a shepherd. So for modern urban Canadians, it can be a bit of a problem understanding what Jesus means when He says that He is The Good Shepherd and His people are sheep in His flock. Why do we become His sheep when we become His? Why don’t we become superheroes? And doesn’t a shepherd keep sheep so that he can sell them for slaughter? So why should we want to be His sheep?  Let’s listen to what Jesus says in John 10:1-21.

Here’s the link to George’s sermon.

Bradley Morrice on Luke 11:1-11 (Montreal)

Aujourd’hui nous parlons de la prière. Selon Jésus ce ne sont pas les mots qui sont le centre de la prière, mais bien notre attitude de coeur au travers elle. Regardons ensemble pourquoi nous avons besoin de la prière, quelle est l’attitude nécéssaire au sein de la prière, et finalement où trouvons-nous l’espoir en lien avec la prière.


Today we are talking about prayer. According to Jesus, it is not the words that are the center of prayer, but our attitude of heart through it. Let’s look together at why we need prayer, what attitude is needed in prayer, and finally where do we find hope in prayer.

Here is the sermon. Voici le lien pour le sermon.

Bradley Morrice on Luke 12:13-34 (Montreal)

Jésus désire nous mettre en garde concernant nos biens, notre argent. Il termine la parabole présente avec “là où est ton trésor, là aussi sera ton coeur”. Jésus nous montre que l’argent est neutre, mais que lorsque notre coeur s’y attache trois choses se produisent : l’argent nous aveugle, elle nous vole, et change notre coeur.


Jesus wants to warn us about our goods, our money. He ends the present parable with “where your treasure is, there will your heart be too”. Jesus shows us that money is neutral, but when our heart is attached to it three things happen: money blinds us, it robs us, and changes our heart.

Here is the sermon. Voice le lien pour le sermon.

Steve Kim on Ephesians 6:1-4 (Toronto)

The pressures of our society and culture are tearing families apart from one another, but in God’s great design, children and fathers have a high and holy calling that bring them together. Children are to respect their parents and fathers are to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Here is the link.


*** Descriptions are provided by churches in which the sermons were preached.
