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Every week we want to bring to your attention expository, Gospel-centred sermons from pastors across Canada. We hope that you become familiar with some of the faithful ministers of the word in our nation. We also hope that you will be edified on your daily commute or whenever you listen to these messages. We lastly hope that you learn about the churches where these pastors minister, so that you can easily find Gospel-centered, expository churches in your region.

Paul Carter on 1 Peter 3:18-22 “Baptism Which Corresponds To This” (Orillia)

This passage contains one of the most obscure references in all of the New Testament: what does it mean that Jesus went to proclaim to the spirits in prison? Did Jesus preach to angels in hell? Did he preach to sinners through Noah at the time of the flood? Or did he go to purgatory to preach to people who wanted to repent but never got the chance back in Noah’s day? Pastor Paul attempts to navigate through this minefield on the way to the central metaphor in the passage wherein baptism is compared to the waters of the flood; you can find it here.

Jeff Eastwood on 2 Samuel 24 (Charlottetown)

There are any number of things that come to mind when we think of God the Father, but mercy is unfortunately rarely one of them. As 2 Samuel ends, the epilogue concludes with a recounting of God’s wrath and mercy, such that we should be able to say with David that God’s “mercy is great”. Follow along as Pastor Jeff speaks on “Worship and Mercy” from 2 Samuel 24.

Watch or listen here.

Rob Godard on “The Great I am” from John 8:1-12 (Surrey)

Jesus is the light of the world! This means there is no light other than Him. He is the only hope to escape darkness.  This means that everyone needs Jesus, to see, to understand and to escape darkness. When the light shines, sin becomes apparent for how awful it is and either drives us to Jesus or devastation.

All the messages in this series can be found here.  CBC also live streams all services from 10:30am PST on CBC LIVE.

George Sinclair on “Christian Christmas” from Luke 1: 26-38 (Ottawa)

For quite a few years now there have been two Christmases celebrated in Canada. There is Canadian or secular Christmas, and there is Christian or Biblical Christmas. Many Canadian Christians are confused by this, and believe that some version of Canadian Christmas is really Christian Christmas. Let’s look at one of the four key Christmas stories, mindful of how Canadians think of Christmas.

Here’s the link for George’s sermon.

Clint on “The Miracle King” from Isaiah 9:1-7 (Calgary)

  1. Light in a Diverse World
  2. The Miracle King
  3. The Goodness of God’s Zeal

Throughout the world, there are tensions between diverse peoples. Globalists are at odds with nationalists. Those who were on the margins are now claiming a place in the center. In all of this pushing and positioning there is great upheaval and strife. Yet there is a miracle king who rules and reigns diverse peoples and brings them under his good governance. He is the Prince of Peace.

Here is the link.


*** Descriptions are provided by churches in which the sermons were preached.
