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Every week we want to bring to your attention expository, Gospel-centred sermons from pastors across Canada. We hope that you become familiar with some of the faithful ministers of the word in our nation. We also hope that you will be edified on your daily commute or whenever you listen to these messages. We lastly hope that you learn about the churches where these pastors minister, so that you can easily find Gospel-centered, expository churches in your region.

Jeff Eastwood on “Community and Power” from Ephesians 1:19–23 (Charlottetown)

There are many things that can defeat us, and that defeat stings in a special way when it happens in an area where we typically succeed. Try as hard as we can, we experience nothing but defeat when it comes to evil and death, yet Jesus conquered both by the immeasurable greatness of his power and might! Whatever defeat we might be experiencing, there will be no final defeat for those who are in Christ, because Jesus brings all authority to bear on behalf of His body, the church. Follow along as Pastor Jeff preaches on “Community and Power” from Ephesians 1:19–23.

Watch or listen here

Jeff Eastwood on “Community and Grace” from  Ephesians 2:1–7 (Charlottetown)

Grace: it’s not how we think life is or even ought to be, and while we are recipients of it, if we are truly children of God, we struggle with it even now. Yet it is the only hope we have, and a glorious reality when we consider who we really are and Who God is. Follow along as Pastor Jeff preaches “Community and Grace” from Ephesians 2:1–7.

Watch or listen here

Clint Humphrey on “the Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints” from Acts 1:8; Hebrews 13:12–16 (Calgary)

1. Perseverance as Martyrs
2. Perseverance as Preserved
3. Perseverance Outside the Camp

When the Christian life is viewed as a whole, it is a persevering life of faith. And a life of faith in Christ stands against this present evil age. Thankfully, the God who saves is the God who gives the strength to persevere to the end, so that Jesus can say, “You will be my martyrs”. That’s the promise of perseverance.

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Rob Godard on “IDENTITY: Adam or Jesus” from Romans 5:12–21 (Surrey)

We live in a fallen world, and the spiritual explanation for this is the fall of humanity through the sin of Adam. This sin was on behalf of all humans, and brought with it death and separation from God. The only hope for those who are trapped in this sin by virtue of their being born human is the free gift of God through Jesus Christ.

For us as humans we have only two options of identity—Adam or Christ. The way to receive the abundance of Jesus’ perfect life and death in our place is to trust in Him so that grace may reign through righteousness leading to eternal life.

Our prayer is that this message will cause your heart to experience the overwhelming grace of God and the freedom that this brings to serve Him.

All the messages in this series can be found here.  CBC also live streams all services from 10:30am PST on CBC LIVE

George Sinclair on “Union and Communion” from John 15 (Ottawa)

Why is it that devout Christians stop attending church after they have had a major job or marital or life set-back? If Jesus paid for all our sins, even our future sins, what motivation is there to live a good life? Is it just a Christian conceit that the Gospel is radically different than all religion and spirituality? Let’s hear what Jesus says on these issues in John 15.

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Trevor Peacock on “Relational Balance” from Ecclesiastes 4:4–16 (Calgary)

The relationships that we have in our lifetime are a tremendous gift from God. In this week’s sermon we see Solomon emphasizing the importance of relationships. He warns about not prioritizing our relationships while highlighting the benefits of relationships, but he also warns us against putting all our hopes in earthly relationships.

Listen here


*** Descriptions are provided by churches in which the sermons were preached.
