Register now for Acts Once Again conference in Vancouver (April 22-24)


Every week we want to bring to your attention expository, Gospel-centred sermons from pastors across Canada. We hope that you become familiar with some of the faithful ministers of the word in our nation. We also hope that you will be edified on your daily commute or whenever you listen to these messages. We lastly hope that you learn about the churches where these pastors minister, so that you can easily find Gospel-centered, expository churches in your region.

Gavin Peacock on “Marriage, The Gospel And The Glory of God” from Ephesians 5:22–33 (Calgary)

D. M Lloyd Jones once made this true statement, “We must consider marriage in terms of the doctrine of the atonement.” Marriage is, at its heart, doctrinal. So when we see the connection between marriage, the gospel and the glory of God the roles of husband and wife take on far higher meaning and have far more powerful motivation.

Listen here

Trevor Peacock on “Your Better Life Now’ from Ecclesiastes 7 (Calgary)

This week Solomon highlights that there are choices to be made if a person is to live a better life. However, he or she must come to grips with the way things really are and come to the realization of our limitations in our humanity.

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Brad Morrice on “The Curse of Work/La malédiction du travail” from  Genesis 3:1-24 (Montreal)

La chute a eu de nombreuses conséquences pour l’humanité, et le monde du travail n’y échappe pas. Aujourd’hui, nous étudierons la réalité du travail, nous verrons comment les ronces de l’épanouissement et de la réussite empoisonnent notre rapport au travail ainsi que la façon dont Dieu remédie à la situation.

The fall has had many consequences for humankind, and work has not escaped this. Today, we will study the reality of work. We will see how the thorns of fulfillment and success poison our relationship to work and then the way God has provided to save us.

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Jeff Eastwood on “Community and Belonging” from Ephesians 2:19–22 (Charlottetown)

Belonging: to fit in, be wanted, feel a part of; being fully known and fully loved is one of the greatest desires of the human heart, and it is only possible through Christ. Paul has reminded the church at Ephesus of the unity that God has created in the church, and now goes deeper and wider as he lets them know that they have a new citizenship, new family, and are part of a new structure that houses the very presence of God. Follow along as Pastor Jeff preaches on “Community and Belonging” from Ephesians 2:19–22.

Watch or listen here


*** Descriptions are provided by churches in which the sermons were preached.
