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On January 3-5 2024, I was blessed and challenged to not only attend Cross Conference but also to have a booth there as an exhibitor. The conference was hosted in Louisville, Kentucky. Just over 11,000 18-25 year old’s gathered for an intense time of preaching, breakout sessions and opportunities for panel discussions and concerts.

There were exhibitors present, carefully chosen by the leadership of, “Cross Con” as it’s called. A bookstore was also made available and there were even extra events each evening for the energetic young adults to take advantage of. Simultaneously, Passion 2024 was also taking place in Atlanta, Georgia at the Mercedes Benz center, where over 61,000, 18–25-year old’s also gathered.

I am not going to compare the two conferences, as I was only at the one. Now, I am sure there are strengths and weaknesses to be pointed out or made between the two, and perhaps, even cautions and endorsements for one over the other. Instead, I will focus on Cross Conference and rejoice that for the first full week of 2024, almost 72,000 young adults gathered to sing God’s praise and be challenged to serve Him, trust Him and know Him from His Word.

The Diversity of the Audience

A moment of transparency: I am almost 52 years old. I am truly middle aged. That said, I have been raised in the evangelical world. I went to Church, Sunday School, Awana and then Youth group, and College and Career as it was called in my world. I attended and graduated from a Christian School and had the joy of going to many events in my youth and young adult years.

Cross Conference was in some ways similar for me, just MUCH BIGGER! Like any youth event or young adult event, Cross Con, brought young people from all across the US, Canada and even around the world.

Many Churches brought groups, small, medium and large. And, like all these types of events, there were Christians and non-Christians, there were those who wanted to be there and those who did not; you could see on the faces of those who were there, simply because Mom and dad told them to, others came as an opportunity to date or even to find someone to date. And some, came simply because it was a free trip.

Mile One Booth at Cross Con

However, it was obvious that the vast majority who were there wanted to come and were looking for something! As an exhibitor myself, having our Church planting network Mile One Mission present, we were busier at this conference of young adults than any conference of Pastors or Church leaders we’ve ever done.

This was a diverse and yet hungry group of young people, in search of God and a view and vision of God that would motivate them and captivate their hearts. They were eager to know, eager to serve and eager to give their lives to something bigger than themselves. Of interest, one of our own sweatshirts we wear is a Zinsindorf quote, “Preach the gospel, Die, and Be forgotten.” We had more requests to buy this shirt and inquires of where to get it and what it means and the story behind who said it, than anything else at our booth.

The Discernment of the Exhibition

For a conference with over 11,000 there were only 50 exhibitors. You could tell they were carefully chosen, and they shared a theme. Come serve, come give yourself away! Each exhibitor offered ministry for Jesus or training to serve Jesus. From Colleges and Seminaries to Church planting and global mission, each exhibitor was there to make much of the great commission and not to feed the egos or self-esteem of the audience.

I was both surprised and blessed by the resolve of the leaders of Cross Con, to see that the Theme of conference was “focus”, with t-shirt and logo’s that said, Undefeated. You could tell that Cross Con stuck to their theme relentlessly. From their website it says, “We want to help this generation make their lives count.” And they meant it, even when they chose those who would seek to influence this generation.

The Deliberate Decision of the Bookstore

The bookstore at Cross Con was one of the smallest I’ve seen at an event like this, but, make no mistake about it, that was by choice and you could tell there was an agenda with how this conference wanted to get young adults to read. The price point was low, very low, and the titles chosen were all geared to get this generation to see themselves through the gospel and Church history but also to equip them to deal with the issues they are facing in 2024.

Almost 50,000 books were purchased, let me write that again, almost 50,000 books were purchased! Yes, 11,000 18–25 year old’s bought thousands of books and Bibles. Biographies and titles on Christian living, sexual ethics and apologetics, world view and understanding the Bible in the contest of their time and life was offered.

One of my greatest joys was simply being at the bookstore, watching these young adults talk to each other and share stories and testimonies as they bought these books. I overheard more than one share with the other about what Bible they preferred to use, and what book had impacted them, it was such a thrill to listen in and it gave this pastor hope and encouragement for the next generation.

The Dynamics of the Music

The so called “Worship Wars” was not at all on display at Cross Conference and this along with the preaching were the two biggest take aways for me personally. There were no fog machines, blinding lights and no light shows. The music was well done and dynamic but it was quite honestly what you’d get at Church on a Sunday morning. There was a wonderful combination of old and new hymns but every song was rich theologically and there was no attempt to whip the crowd into a frenzy. Understand, the gathered group sang robustly and enthusiastically, the music teams, which were varied and talented, led with passion and truth.

Honestly, I was struck by the power of song, the power of truth in song and the unity of any group and age, who are gripped by the truth of the songs they sing.

The Demand of the Word of God

This was the one thing that stood out to me more than anything else. I know each of the main speakers, many of them personally. I’ve had some of them speak for me, and I’ve been present when they’ve preached at many other conferences. I was watching to see how these men would address this large crowd of young adults. How would they challenge them, what tactics would they use to evoke a response.

I’ve seen first-hand the way music, a sad story, the call to come forward, raising a hand or standing, and making a commitment is used to play with the emotions of young people. This was absent completely!

The speakers read large passages of the Word of God; they preached 40-50 minutes; they preached like I’ve heard them preach; they expounded the Word of God and allowed the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts and minds of the audience.

I was struck to see so many of those present taking notes, how many had actual Bibles and how many shared notes with each other. Plus, there was an intensity of schedule; they started hard and went hard for two and a half days. However, it wasn’t just the intensity of the schedule and the well-rounded breakout sessions. It was the power of watching leadership and participants be affected by the Word of God.

The Delight for a Middle-aged Pastor and My Desire as We Leave

By the time Cross Con had ended, I could both see and sense a visible change in the crowd. Sound preaching, theological music, respectful challenges and charges to serve had given way to a passion and energy that I was honoured and blessed to have been a part of! I was delighted by the hundreds of conversations, the honest questions and the free transparency and authentic displays that were normal at this conference. I watched young adults pray and sing, get excited and yet submit their emotions to the authority of Scripture.

Now, don’t think I’m being naïve or turning a blind eye to the obvious. As stated earlier, there were skeptics and unbelievers, there were players and posers; that’s true whenever you gather 11,000 people together. Yet, the overall theme, focus and actual application of Cross Con was accomplished. Jesus was the focus, Jesus is undefeated, and Jesus can and will use us!

My desire as I leave is to care more for my young adults and challenge them more, to also care and challenge my middle aged and seniors to commit to the sound preaching of God’s Word and the passionate singing about God. That we will not be guilty of quenching the honest, often raw inquiries of the next generation, that we will not settle to give pat answers or cold facts that seem void of our own conversion and relationship with God and His Word.

I pray that Cross con will continue and continue to grow, that the leaders will stand steadfast in this format. And most of all that God will be glorified and pleased to bless and use this conference to strengthen local Churches and the mission of the Church all across North America and around the World.
